Buying Domains

Purchase domains with no additional costs
You can buy a domain on our trading platform at a fixed price, negotiate with the seller, or purchase it through a domain auction. If you choose wire transfer as payment method, you only pay the price of the domain. There aren't any additional costs or fees. And our reliable Transfer Services are included absolutely free of charge.
Selling domains
Sedo charges a commission for domains traded on its platform. The amount of the commission depends on the type of sale and TLD, see below. Our Transfer Services are included at no charge. Minimum fees and commissions in this price list are understood to be exclusive of taxes (for example, VAT).
Buy Now plus parked domains through Sedo marketplace
List your domain with a Buy Now price or a Buy Now or Best Offer option, and also park your domain through Sedo and activate the ads page or the sales landing page. If your domain is then sold directly through the Sedo marketplace, we only charge 10% of the gross sale price as a sales fee.
Other domain sales through the Sedo Marketplace
If your domain is sold directly through the Sedo Marketplace from a Make Offer listing or auction, 15% commission will apply. Using Sedo Parking or the sales landing page is not required. Auctions can be started for free when you receive an offer using the latest bid as the reserve price (Push to Auction) or at any time for a $59 initial setup fee (Direct Auction). 15% also applies if your domain sells from a Buy Now or Buy Now Best Offer listing that is not parked or using the sales landing page.
Domain sales through the SedoMLS network
All domains you list for sale or auction on the Sedo marketplace are also automatically promoted through our SedoMLS network, giving you additional access to a broad, international audience. If your domain is sold or auctioned to a buyer from the SedoMLS network, we charge a fee of 20% of the gross sale price.
Domain sale: minimum fees
Sedo charges a minimum fee for every successful domain sale depending on the specific domain category.
Sedo's commission and minimum fees quoted on this Price List exclusive of taxes (for example, VAT).
Please note, for external transfers the minimum fee is 60 USD/EUR (45 GBP) for Category 1 and 200 USD/EUR (140 GBP) for Category 2.
Top Level Domains (TLD) - Category I
No minimum fee | Minimum sales price 20 USD/EUR/GBP
.abogado, .ac,,,,,, .academy, .accountant, .accountants, .actor, .adult, .ae,, .aero, .af, .africa,, .ag, .agency,, .ai, .airforce, .al, .amsterdam, .apartments, .app, .ar,, .archi, .army, .arpa, .art, .asia,, .associates, .at, .attorney, .au, .auction, .audio, .auto, .autos, .ax, .baby, .band, .bank, .bar, .barcelona, .bargains,, .bayern, .be, .beauty, .beer, .berlin, .best, .bet, .bible, .bid, .bike, .bingo, .bio, .biz,,,,, .black, .blackfriday, .blog, .blue, .boats, .bond, .boston, .bot, .boutique,, .broker, .brussels, .build, .builders, .business, .buzz,, .bz, .bzh, .ca, .cab, .cafe,, .cam, .camera, .camp, .capetown, .capital, .car, .cards, .care, .career, .careers, .cars, .casa, .cash, .casino, .catering, .cc, .center, .ceo, .cfd, .ch, .charity, .chat, .cheap, .christmas, .church, .city, .claims, .cleaning, .click, .clinic, .clothing, .cloud, .club,, .cm, .cn,, .co,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .coach, .codes, .coffee, .college, .cologne, .com,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .community, .company, .compare, .computer, .condos, .construction, .consulting, .contact, .contractors, .cooking, .cool, .coop, .country, .coupons, .courses,,, .credit, .creditcard, .cricket, .cruises, .cx, .cymru, .cyou, .cz, .dad, .dance, .date, .dating, .day, .de,, .deals, .degree, .delivery, .democrat, .dental, .dentist, .desi, .design, .dev, .diamonds, .diet, .digital, .direct, .directory, .discount, .dk, .doctor, .dog,, .domains, .download,, .durban, .earth, .eco, .edu,,,,, .education, .ee, .email,,, .energy, .engineer, .engineering, .enterprises, .equipment, .es, .estate, .et, .eth, .eu,,, .eus, .events, .example, .exchange, .expert, .exposed, .express, .fail, .faith, .family, .fan, .fans, .farm, .fashion,, .fi, .film, .finance, .financial,, .fish, .fishing, .fit, .fitness,, .flights, .florist, .flowers, .fm, .football, .forex, .forsale, .forum, .foundation, .fr, .frl, .fun, .fund, .furniture, .futbol, .fyi, .gal, .gallery, .game,, .games, .garden, .gay, .gb,,,, .gdn, .ge,,, .gent, .gift, .gifts, .gives, .glass, .global, .gmbh,,,, .gold, .golf, .gop, .gov,,,,, .graphics, .gratis, .green, .gripe, .group, .gs,, .guide, .guitars, .guru, .hair, .hamburg, .haus, .health, .healthcare, .help, .hiphop, .hiv, .hockey, .holdings, .holiday, .homes, .horse, .hospital, .host, .hosting, .house, .how, .ht,,, .icu,,, .ie, .im, .immo, .immobilien, .in,,, .inc,, .industries, .info,, .ing, .ink, .institute, .insurance, .insure, .int, .international, .investments, .io, .irish,, .ist, .istanbul, .it,, .je, .jetzt, .jewelry, .jobs, .joburg, .jp,,, .juegos,,, .kaufen, .kids,, .kim, .kitchen, .kiwi,, .koeln, .kr,,,, .la, .land, .lat, .law, .lawyer,, .lease, .legal, .lgbt, .li, .life, .lighting,, .limited, .limo, .link, .live, .llc, .loan, .loans,, .lol,, .london, .love, .ltd,, .ltda, .lu,, .luxe, .luxury, .madrid, .maison, .makeup, .management, .market, .marketing, .markets, .mba, .me,, .media, .melbourne, .memorial, .men, .menu,, .miami, .mil,,, .mn, .mobi,, .moda, .moe, .mom, .money, .monster, .mortgage, .moscow, .motorcycles, .movie, .mu, .museum, .mx,, .mz, .nagoya, .name, .navy,, .net,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .network, .new, .news,,, .ninja, .nl, .no,,,, .nrw, .nu, .nyc, .nz, .observer, .okinawa, .one, .onl, .online, .ooo,,, .org,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .organic, .orke, .osaka, .ovh, .page, .paris, .partners, .parts, .party, .pe,, .pet, .photo, .photography, .photos, .physio, .pics, .pictures,, .pink, .pizza, .pl, .place,, .plumbing, .plus, .poker,, .porn,,, .press,, .pro, .productions, .promo, .properties, .property, .protection, .pub, .pw,, .qpon, .quest, .racing, .radio,, .realestate, .realty, .recipes, .red, .rehab, .reise, .reisen, .ren, .rent, .rentals, .repair, .report, .republican, .rest, .restaurant, .review, .reviews, .rich, .rip, .rocks, .rodeo,, .ruhr, .run, .ryukyu,, .saarland, .sale, .salon,, .sarl, .sbs, .sc,, .school, .schule, .science, .scot, .se,,, .security, .select, .services, .sex,, .sexy, .shiksha, .shoes, .shop, .shopping, .show, .si,, .singles, .site, .sk, .ski, .skin, .soccer, .social, .software, .solar, .solutions, .soy, .spa, .space, .sport, .srl, .st, .storage, .store, .stream, .studio, .study, .style, .sucks, .supplies, .supply, .support, .surf, .surgery, .sydney, .systems,, .taipei, .tattoo, .tax, .taxi, .tc, .team, .tech, .technology, .tel, .tennis, .theater, .theatre, .tickets, .tienda, .tips, .tires, .tl, .to, .today, .tokyo, .tools, .top, .tours, .town, .toys, .trade, .trading, .training, .travel, .tube, .tv,, .tw, .uk,,,, .university, .uno, .us,,,, .vacations, .vc, .vegas, .ventures, .versicherung, .vet, .viajes, .video, .villas, .vin, .vip, .vision, .vlaanderen, .vodka, .vote, .voting, .voto, .voyage, .wales, .wang,, .watch,,,, .webcam, .website, .wed, .wedding, .whoswho, .wien, .wiki, .win, .wine, .work, .works, .world,, .ws, .wtf, .xin, .xxx, .xyz, .yachts, .yoga, .yokohama, .za,,, .zone, .zuerich, .ДЕТИ, .ею, .москва, .онлайн, .орг, .рус, .сайт, .укр, .شبكة, .भारत, .संगठन, .コム, .みんな, .世界, .中文网, .企业, .佛山, .商店, .在线, .广东, .我爱你, .机构, .游戏, .香港, .닷넷, .닷컴
Top Level Domains (TLD) - Category II
Minimum fee 200 USD/EUR (140 GBP) | Minimum sales price 220 USD/EUR
.am,,,,, .as, .az, .ba, .bb, .bd, .bf, .bg, .bh, .bi, .bj,, .bm, .bn, .bo, .br, .bs, .bt, .bv, .bw, .by, .cd, .cf, .cg, .ci, .ck, .cl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .cr, .cu, .cv, .cy, .day, .dj, .dm, .do, .dz, .ec,,,,, .eg, .fj, .fk,, .fo, .gd, .gf, .gg, .gh, .gi, .gl, .gm, .gn,,,,,,, .gp, .gq, .gr, .gt, .gu, .gw, .gy, .hk, .hm, .hn, .hr, .hu, .id, .il,,,, .iq, .ir, .is,, .jm, .jo, .ke, .kg, .kh, .ki, .km, .kn, .kp, .kw, .ky, .kz, .lb, .lc, .lk, .lr, .ls, .lt, .lv,, .ly, .ma, .mc, .md, .mg, .mh,,, .mk, .ml, .mm, .mo, .mp, .mq, .mr, .ms,, .mt, .mv, .mw, .my, .na, .nc, .ne,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .nf, .ng,, .ni,,, .np, .nr, .observer, .om,,,,,,,,,,,,, .pa, .ph, .pk, .pm, .pn,, .pr, .ps, .pt, .py, .qa, .re, .ro, .rs, .ru, .rw, .sa, .sb, .sd, .sg, .sh, .sj, .sl,,, .sm, .sn, .so,, .sr, .su, .sv, .sx, .sy, .td, .tf, .tg, .th, .tj, .tk, .tm, .tn, .tr, .tt,, .tz, .ua, .ug, .uy, .uz, .ve, .vg, .vi, .vu,,, .wf, .yacht, .yt, .zm
Brokerage Services
Were you unable to find your ideal domain on our marketplace? Would you like to remain anonymous as a buyer? If so, our experts will contact the seller for you and handle the price negotiations.
- One-time fee of 69 $ for domain buyers using our brokerage services.
- Our remuneration depends on our success: Sedo charges a fee of 15% of the gross selling price (note the minimum fee)
- Optional publicity waiver: If the buyer requests Sedo to not publish the sale of the domain name and its price, Sedo will charge an additional fee of 2.5% of the gross selling price (note the minimum fee)
- Includes free use of our Transfer Services

Are you the owner of a valuable domain? Our experts will help you to identify and reach out to the most suitable buyers – and achieve the best possible selling price for your domain.
- No upfront costs: you only pay if your domain is successfully sold
- Our remuneration depends on our success: Sedo does not charge its fee of 15% of the gross selling price (note the minimum fee) until your domain has been successfully sold
- Optional publicity waiver: if the seller requests Sedo to not publish the sale of the domain name and its price, Sedo will charge an additional fee of 2.5% of the gross selling price (note the minimum fee)
- Includes free use of our Transfer Services
Minimum fees and commissions in this price list are understood to be exclusive of taxes (for example, VAT)
Please note our minimum requirements for Domain Marketing:
You agree to an exclusive marketing agreement.
You notify us about any pre-existing correspondence related to the domain and any bids already received from interested parties.
Your domain consists of up to two descriptive words.
Domains with spelling or typographic errors will not be marketed.
You provide us with traffic statistics for the last 12 months.
Domain Showcase
The Homepage Showcase is valid for 30 days. All of the specified fees are accessed once and are not recurring.
Homepage Showcases are available for all seven of the Sedo websites and can be purchased as a package or individually for Germany, U.S, UK, France, Spain, Portugal or China.
- One-time payment of 39 $ for Domain Showcase (duration: 30 days) on the website
- Additional 10 $ for every additional country website
- Package offer: one-time payment of 69 $ for reserving showcase spots on all international country websites (Saving 30 $ in comparison to individual placements)
The Category Showcase is valid for 30 days. All of the specified fees are charged only once and are not recurring.
Category Showcases are available for all seven Sedo websites and can be purchased as a package or individually for Germany, U.S., UK, France, Spain, Portugal or China.
- One-time payment of 9 $ for the first domain category (duration: 30 days) on the website
- Additional 5 $ for every additional domain category
- Package offer: one-time payment of 64 $ for the booking of all international websites in three different categories (Saving 45 $ in comparison to individual placements)
Domain Services
Transfer Services for external domains sales
Even when agreements are made outside of our platform, Sedo's secure Transfer Services are available regardless of which role you are playing.
Sellers receive their money without any hassle whatsoever and we provide assurance to buyers that they will acquire unlimited control of the new domain after payment has been received.
The applicant is charged a fee of 3% of the gross sales price. Please also note the minimum commission of 60 USD/EUR (45 GBP) for TLDs from category 1 and 200 USD/EUR (140 GBP) for TLDs from category 2 (see list of categories above in the Domain sale: minimum fees section). Upon request, we will also assist you in dividing the fee between the buyer and seller. Additional fees may exist through your registrar or bank. There is an additional 3% express processing fee added for payments over $500 made using Alipay and PayPal and Credit Card.
Please note: If you have had active negotiations with a buyer or seller for a listed domain on the Sedo marketplace, the marketplace commission would still apply if you reach an agreement outside of Sedo.
Minimum fees and commissions in this price list are exclusive of a VAT where applicable.
Express Transfer Fee
Our expedited transfer feature shortens the purchase process for your new domain subject to an additional 3% fee. Currently, the following payment services are only available with an expedited transfer: Alipay, PayPal, Klarna, Cartes Bancaires and credit card. If you would like to receive the expedited transfer in conjunction with other payment methods or for more information, please contact our customer support.
Domain appraisals
Pulling from our vast experience along with the largest database of domain sales worldwide, our experts can determine the market value of every domain.
We charge a one-time fee of 99 USD for an individual Domain Appraisal tailored to your specific domains.
We will also be happy to handle the appraisal of extensive domain portfolios. Please speak to our customer service team for an individual quote.