Your online success is just a jump away
Largest marketplace
With over 24 million listed domains, Sedo is the world's largest trading platform for internet addresses.
Simple & secure
Buy, sell, and park domains effortlessly - at te highest level of security and without long waiting times.
Low fees
Explore our transparent, fair, and budget-friendly pricing structure, with commission fees ranging from 10% up to a maximum of 20%.
Buy domains
At Sedo, you'll find your desired domain. Easily search and purchase the perfect domain on our marketplace with over 24 million domains for sale.
Take advantage of our extensive domain search with numerous filtering options
Choose from various options for buying domains: Buy now, make offer or auction
Our experienced domain brokers are available to assist you in your search if desired
Are you interested in gaining further insights into the process of purchasing a domain?
Sell domains
Sedo is the largest domain marketplace with the highest number of buyers worldwide. With us, you will sell your domain quickly benefit from particularly low selling fees.
Low fees, great service: Starting at just 10% commission
Largest selection of selling options in the domain market
The world's largest number of domain buyers
Need more tips on how to sell your domain for the best price?
Earn money with Domain Parking
With domain parking, you earn money with thematically matched advertising links featured on your domain. Your till will ring with every click on an ad. Easy to set up and completely free. Click here to learn more about domain parking.