That's why fixed prices are just right for you
Your way to faster sales
Here’s why fixed prices can be more successful, especially for your individual domain settings:
Average sales price of domains on a negotiated basis = $3,000
Average selling price of "Buy Now" domains = $1,300
Your current listed minimum selling prices ≤ 2.000 $
Our recommendation
Use the "Buy Now" option and set your fixed prices to less than $2,000.
Selling domain names with a fixed price offers several advantages
Sell more domains
Fixed prices are very popular with buyers; in 2022, over 74% of domains sold were listed with a “Buy Now” setting.
Bring more attention to your domains
"Buy Now" domains sell faster - our international network of over 500 partners suggests fixed price domains preferentially to interested parties worldwide.
More sales means more money for you
When selling "Buy Now" domains with our sales landing page active, you only pay a 10% sales commission fee if the domain sells directly on our marketplace. In comparison, “Make offer” sales carry a 15% commission fee (see price list).
"The smartest thing I did was putting 'Buy It Now Prices' on ALL of my domains. I was tired of receiving low ball offers. So I set prices and was stunned to see sales triple with people paying the full asking price in almost every case!"