Sell more domains faster with Sedo’s Sales Landers

With the right sales landing pages, your domains will sell quicker, getting you the results you want faster and easier!

Sedo has a wide selection of landing page options for you to choose from. In this article we outline all of the benefits of these pages and how to best sell your domains utilizing them.


To ensure potential buyers are aware that your domain is officially for sale, you need to have a well-designed sales landing page. This way, every visitor to your domain sees your offer and can access it directly. Selling domains couldn't be easier!


At Sedo, we offer a wide variety of sales landing page layouts. These are visually appearling, professional and will help sell your domains quickly and easily. Take a look for yourself at the examples here.


Best of all, you can implement our sales landing page layouts for free!


And we make it even more worthwhile to set up a Sales Landing Page by offering a commision discount! To achieve this savings, simply list your domain with a Buy Now price AND use one of our Sales Landing Page layouts. As a result, the commission is only 10% instead of 15% if the buyer purchases the domain through our Sedo platform.


Sales Landing Page benfits at a glance:

- 10% commission instead of 15% if the domain is sold at a fixed price

- Domains with Sales Landing Pages sell 3x faster

- Free use of the landing page

- Individualized customization options


Setting the Sales Landing Pages up are quick and painless:

You can simply select the new layout in your Sedo customer account:


Log in, go to Domain Management, click on domain(s) and select the "Layout" tab. There you will find the new "Sales" layout next to "Parking" and "Web Archive".


If you have questions at any time, please email [email protected] for support and we will be happy to help you.