Company Info

Contact Information

Sedo GmbH

Im Mediapark 6B
50670 Cologne

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (+49) 221 / 340 30 - 230
Fax: (+49) 221 / 340 30 - 102

Managing Directors:
Michael Robrock (CEO), Dr. Jens Graupmann, Felix Hintze, Arthur Mai
Get to know our management team

Responsible for contents:
Semra Körner, Im Mediapark 6B, 50670 Cologne, Germany

VAT-ID: DE813182233
District Court Cologne: HRB 35019


All pages, text, and data are property of Sedo and may not be duplicated, passed on, or linked to other sites without prior permission. 

Liability notice:

We do not assume any responsibility for, nor guarantee the validity of, the content of our pages or the displayed domain data. The content of linked pages is the sole responsibility of their operators. The unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution of individual content or complete pages is prohibited. This also applies to the unauthorized integration of individual contents or complete pages on Internet sites of other operators. However, the creation of links to this homepage is expressly permitted

Offering a domain for sale which infringes a trademark or patent is completely the responsibility of the offering party and Sedo can not be held liable for any actions of its members. 

Online Dispute Resolution:

We are generally not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.