at $90

Premium domain names ending in .biz represent powerful opportunities to brand new businesses, or launch new lines-of-business for existing enterprises. Below, you can learn more about the excellent .biz premium domain name inventory available for purchase today on Sedo.

3 easy steps to buy a domain

Use our domain search

On the hunt for a specific domain name?

Using our search allows you to look for your desired domain within Sedo's database. We're sure the domain you want - or a great alternative - is for sale at Sedo.

Compare and buy

Easily compare different domain offers with in-depth statistics and detailed information about sellers.

Once you find a domain that meets your needs, you can buy it - quickly and securely!

Sedo takes care of the rest

Next our free Transfer Service comes into play. After the payment has gone through, we will transfer the ownership of the domain to you. Congratulations, your new domain name is now at your disposal!


Ready, steady, go to the marketplace!

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Search and find your domain from over 18 million names in our data base.

Contact a Broker


Our domain experts will help you get the perfect domain name

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