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The domain name \"\" can be interpreted as a website dedicated to job offers in the field of information technology. It is associated with a professional community specialized in information technology and could be used to offer recruitment services, training and information on the latest employment trends in the field. This domain name can be sold to different companies and organizations such as recruitment agencies, technology schools, associations of IT professionals, magazines and blogs that focus on the subject, IT service providers, online technical portals and technology companies. Potential buyers could be: 1. 2. 3. 4. TEKsystems 5. 6. CompTIA 7. Microsoft Corporation 8. International Association of Computer Professionals 9. 10. CyberCoders Looking for a domain name that makes you want to be a geek and make programmer jokes? Well, look no further - \"\" is here for you! With \"\", you can be sure that you have chosen a domain name that speaks directly to computer and programming enthusiasts. Your website will be the perfect place for recruiters looking for new IT talent and for geeks looking for new professional opportunities. \"\" is the coolest domain name of the moment, so don\'t wait any longer to make it your own. Moreover, you\'ll be the star of all the programmers\' parties with your ultra-nerd domain name. Be careful, buying \"\" can lead to an immediate increase in your popularity among geeks and computer scientists. Consult a doctor if you notice any unexpected side effects. Don\'t miss this unique chance to own a really cool domain name. Buy \"\" today and join the computer club! What is the history of the domain \"\"? The domain name \"\" was first registered on February 9, 2015. During its history, various websites have been active on this domain, but there is no information available about the previous owners and users. There is no data on the sale of this domain name. It is not clear if the domain is trademarked or if there are similar trademarks. No information was found on any UDRP cases or lawsuits involving this domain or if it has been blacklisted. Please note that this information may not be accurate or current. The domain name was registered on February 9, 2015. We do not have information on any websites that have been active on the domain. Previous or current owners are unknown. There is no information about the sale of the domain. We do not know if the domain is trademarked or if there are similar ones. No information was found on any UDRP cases or lawsuits involving this domain or if it has been blacklisted. In the area of \"\", Career opportunities are a real hub, Jobs for computer enthusiasts, Who aspire to become geeks. Online, offers abound, Jobs for the skilled are found, Technology is constantly changing, Every day there are new challenges to solve. The information society knows no limits, Every day there are new achievements, This field is rich in experiences, Interactive and creative, of great scope. If you are passionate about the web and networks, and want to grow at every level, Join the \"\" without hesitation, To make your passion, a true vocation. And be assured that the meetings and challenges, In this field, will be moments of choice, Join us with joy and passion, And make your passion, a true profession.

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Der Verkäufer

  • Algerien
  • Umsatzsteuerpflichtig
  • Aktiv seit 2015

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Dieser Domainname (Ohne Webseite) wird vom Inhaber auf Sedos Handelsplatz zum Verkauf angeboten. Ihr Angebot ist für 7 Tage bindend. Alle angegebenen Preise sind Endpreise.


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