
is for sale

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äbc.xyz https://äbc.xyz ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ULTRA PREMIUM 3L (letter) „.xyz“ - INTERNATIONALIZED DOMAIN NAME (IDN) ✓ typable (with german (and maybe other) (real or virtual) keyboard(s)) ✓ URL - visible * ✓ HTTPS - concurring * * visit https://äbc.xyz and see it (for 3 seconds) BUY IT NOW FOR ONLY $ 111,111 USD äbc.xyz = xn--bc-uia.xyz The latin letter „ä (Ä)“ is part of the german language. The german language is the language of Germany, Austria & Switzerland. The letter „ä (Ä)“ is the visible & typeable „IDN - letter“ for the german language - letter - combination „ae (AE)“. In german language you write „ä (Ä)“ instead of „ae (AE)“. „ä (Ä)“ is a seperate & fully supported key on german / austrian / swiss and maybe other (real or virtual) keyboards. You can find the „Ä (ä)“ - key in the mid row, left beside the enter - key (sourrounded by the seperate „Ü (ü)“ & „Ö (ö)“ - keys). Learn more about the german keyboard - layout at Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_keyboard_layout The german keyboard is used in Germany, Austria & Switzerland. The letter „ä (Ä)“ is supported by every major browser - means you will see this ULTRA PREMIUM 3L (letter) „.xyz“ - INTERNATIONALIZED DOMAIN NAME (IDN) in the URL as „äbc.xyz“. This ULTRA PREMIUM 3L (letter) „.xyz“ - INTERNATIONALIZED DOMAIN NAME (IDN) is NEW (in the sense that it was never used for any other content than displaying a blank website that forwards after 3 seconds automatically to its (this) SEDO - offerpage). SEDO - offerpage https://sedo.com/search/details/?partnerid=319804&domain=äbc.xyz The current number of the displayed offerpage - views (visits = „traffic“) you can see on this ULTRA PREMIUM 3L (letter) „.xyz“ - INTERNATIONALIZED DOMAIN NAME (IDN) - SEDO - offerpage, is on a monthly base and gets updated daily - therefore you will always see the current number of views (visits = „traffic“) of the current month only (and not the total number of views). This ULTRA PREMIUM 3L (letter) „.xyz“ - INTERNATIONALIZED DOMAIN NAME (IDN) is obviously an ultra unique digital property. It‘s not a secret that the company „Alphabet, Inc.“ (the parent company of „Google LLC“) owns and uses this „.xyz“ - domain name: abc.xyz https://abc.xyz But although there is only 1 * letter difference between „Alphabet, INC.“‘s „abc.xyz“ - domain name and the here offered ULTRA PREMIUM 3L (letter) „.xyz“ - INTERNATIONALIZED DOMAIN NAME (IDN) „äbc.xyz“, there is no likelihood of confusion because the difference between the letter „a (A)“ and the letter „ä (Ä)“ is unmistakable / obvious. „a (A)“ = „a (A)“ „a (A)“ ≠ „ä (Ä)“ „ä (Ä)“ = „ä (Ä)“ * in terms to the IDN - version of the here offered ULTRA PREMIUM 3L (letter) „.xyz“ - INTERNATIONALIZED DOMAIN NAME (IDN) as reference and not its punycode - version If you are (from) the company „Alphabet“ and want to get this ULTRA PREMIUM 3L (letter) „.xyz“ - INTERNATIONALIZED DOMAIN NAME (IDN), then you should not hesitate to buy it - because the possibility that someone other will suddenly decide to buy it, is high. If you are not (from) the company „Alphabet“ and want to get this ULTRA PREMIUM 3L (letter) „.xyz“ - INTERNATIONALIZED DOMAIN NAME (IDN), then you should not hesitate to buy it - because the possibility that the company „Alphabet“ will decide to buy it, is high. © ULTRA PREMIUM 3L (letter) „.xyz“ - INTERNATIONALIZED DOMAIN NAME (IDN) All rights reserved. .

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The seller

  • Austria
  • Required to pay VAT
  • Active since 2012

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The domain name (without content) is available for sale by its owner through Sedo's Domain Marketplace. Any offer you submit is binding for 7 days. All quoted prices are final prices.


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