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▲ THE HIGHEST, THE MOST VALUABLE AND THE MOST EXPENSIVE DOMAIN NAME OF ALL TIME THE KEY TO THE TOP OF THE WORLD WIDE WEB You think you can buy it? You can try it! # THE HIGHEST # THE MOST VALUABLE # THE MOST EXPENSIVE The asset that is neither from this side nor from the other side but from the top. The toppiece that tops every masterpiece. The art you were always looking for. WELCOME This domain name is the ... ▲ ... created / owned / offered by ... ▲ ... as a digital statement / asset against the (so called) illuminati. MAKE YOUR BIDs HERE (this SEDO - offerpage): If you won‘t receive a counter bid within 24 hours, feel free to make another bid. And so on - simply start making bids and simply don‘t stop making bids. This can increase your chances to receive a counter bid one day. Every bid supports the virtual fight against the illuminati since every bid creates a bit more awareness about (and therefore against) them. So even if you won‘t be able to purchase it, your bids are still important / valuable / welcome in terms to keep the ... ▲ ... illuminati exposed. This domain name‘s height tops any other domain name height ... ▲ ... which means that its value tops any other domain name value ... ▲ ... and therefore its price tops any other domain name price ... ▲ ... which makes it to the highest, the most valuable and the most expensive domain name of all time. Thus, the domain name ... ▲ ... as well as this domain name‘s acronym - domain name ... ▲ ... are both domain names which you can visit to learn more. FACTS Here are the mindblowing details of the 3 reasons why this domain name is literally = elementally proven for being the highest, the most valuable and the most expensive domain name of all time. #1 This domain name is not a „.com“ („com(mercial)“ is not „top“, it is not even a complete word - it is just an abbreviation) / „(.)net“ („net(work)“ is not „top“, it is not even a complete word - it is just an abbreviation) / „(.)org“ („org(anization)“ is not „top“, it is not even a complete word - it is just an abbreviation) / ... / „(.)xyz“ - domain name - no - it is a „(.)top“ („top“ is „top“, it is a complete word, it is the only word which is (literally = semantically) „top“ and which will (literally = semantically) always be „top“) - domain name. So it ends (technically starts (since a domain name technically starts at the (most) right side (root zone))) with the literally = semantically highest possible TLD, the TLD „.top“. But there are other „.top“ - domain names as well - so this „.top“ - TLD - fact alone would not be enough for being the highest, the most valuable and the most expensive domain name of all time - and that is why there are two other reasons. #2 This domain name contains exactly 21 times the term „top“ (between the subdomain „www.“ and the TLD „.top“) - thats the highest possible number of the highest possible keyword that a domain in a domain name in the domain name system in the world wide web in the internet can have. #3 It has exactly 63 characters (in its (2nd level (sub)) domain = the part between the dot („.“) after the (3rd level (sub)) domain („www“ in this case („www.“)) and the dot („.“) before the (1st (top) level (top)) domain (TLD) „top“ („.top“)) - this is the highest possible number of characters that a domain (one part (except the dots) of a domain name) in a domain name (all parts (including all dots) of a domain name) can have. = „top“ = „top“ = highest possible keyword = 3 characters 21 x „top“ = highest possible number (21) of (the highest possible keyword („top“)) * 21 x 3 characters = 63 characters = highest possible number of characters * TLD „(.)top“ = literally = elementally highest possible TLD * (technically, of course all TLDs are top (level domains) by their nature) but literally = elementally it‘s only the TLD „(.)top“ which is „top“ and this will never change, no other TLD can fulfill this essential point) * in / as a domain of a domain name of the domain name system (DNS) of the world wide web (WWW) of the internet These facts are the obvious and clear proof that it is 100 % not possible to top this domain name (except with a „top(top(top(top...“ - sub domain name - and this leads to the ultimate fact - namely to the fact that every possible, additional „top(top(top(top...“ - subdomain is „already included“ (since possible) - and thus also the ultimate one - which generates, together with the here offered domain name, „the top of the world wide web“ (details see below). In other words, this domain name is the one and only domain name which (can) exist(s) which can‘t be topped by any other domain name - no matter which one. This means, it is 100 % the one and only domain name which (can) top(s) every other domain name that (can) exist(s). Therefore this domain name is the highest - and therefore the most valuable - and therefore the most expensive domain name of all time. # UN.S.TOPPABLE Seriously. So, as indicated, the highest, the most valuable and the most expensive domain name of all time is the key to the top of the world wide web - therefore the domain name ... ▲ ... as well it‘s acronym - domain name ... ▲ ... will finally bring you back to this (this) SEDO offerpage. To see live how the top of the world wide web gets (and finally is) structured, you have to visit the domain name ... ▲ ... which will display you a blank website that will forward you (automatically), after 3 seconds, to the next most logical domain name to which it can be forwarded (just monitor your browser‘s URL - bar) and this forwarding - szenario will then continue until you will (have) reach(ed), after about 9.1 minutes (546 seconds (182 x 3 seconds)) the most un.s.toppable and therefore the ultimate domain name ... ● ... which symbolizes the top of the world wide web and therefore definitely the most invaluable and therefore the most priceless domain name ever, it is not (directly) for sale, but you can also visit the domain name ... ▲ ... or it‘s acronym - domain name ... ▲ ... to learn more about it. So while the top of the world wide web is not (directly) for sale, it would (logically) be included in a purchase of the here offered domain name ... ▲ ... which is the highest, the most valuable and the most expensive domain name of all time, as this domain name is the base domain name of the top of the world wide web, in other words, it is the key to the top of the world wide web and its owner is absolutely convinced that its value exceeds the value of all other domain names together (no matter their TLDs), all (ancient and modern) artworks, all sculptures and painings, all gold in all forms wherever it is, all diamonds, all precious metals as well all natural resources (oil, gas, ...), all buildings, all properties, all tropical islands and all continents in general, all vehicles (in space (spaceships & rockets) / air (planes & private jets), below (tunnel boring machines) and on earth (bicycles, motor bicycles, cars, trains, & water (ships & yachts), all money in all currencies, all companies, all crypto tokens and coins, all NFTs, all physical / digital and phygital assets and even all antimatter. DISCLAIMER If you purchase this domain name it means that you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to this description in its entirety and that you waive any right to cancel the purchase of it and that this domain name has more value to you than the amount of money you voluntarily offered through this platform (SEDO) to pay for it. ▲ THE HIGHEST, THE MOST VALUABLE AND THE MOST EXPENSIVE DOMAIN NAME OF ALL TIME THE KEY TO THE TOP OF THE WORLD WIDE WEB © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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- Austria
- Required to pay VAT
- Active since 2012
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