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x.at brilliantly pairs the incredibly versatile single character \'x\' with the \'at mark\', the definitive symbol of the internet. Don\'t miss the chance to bid for this unique domain NOW! Want to understand why x.at is the ideal choice? Here\'s why: 1.) What makes \'x\' superior to other characters? Its unrivaled versatility: x is the new name of Twitter x stands for values in the Internet of Things (IoT) x is a placeholder for anything unknown/mystic - like \'Mr. X\' x is the most used variable name - as in \'f(x)=sin(x)\' x is the mark when you vote x is the mark when you play the lottery x is the mark of a location on a map x is the mark to say yes on multiple choice forms x is also a crossing like used in ped xing x is the center of something x stands for 10 in roman numerals x is the symbol of the exit button in several operating systems x is within the 7 Bit ASCII alphabet and therefore trouble free x is compatible with every internet capable keyboard worldwide x cannot be mistaken by another chracter like O and 0 (zero) x also stands for a kiss like in XOXO (kisses and hugs) x is part of the kiss smiley written as :-x x sempre is used for \'forever\' in italian language x can be used as ex- like in xtreme, xpensive, xpress, xploit x is also used in Apple iPhone X, Samsung Galaxy X, Sony Xperia X x is the model of BMW\'s successful SUV car series X1-X7 x is used in brand new app names like Telegram X x is main part of X-rays, XBox, X-Factor, Terra X, Generation X x is used in X -Alps (Red Bull), X Factor (Casting Show) x is the name of the new album of singer-songwriter Ed Sheran ... 2.) You may wonder, isn\'t .at specific to Austria only? at can be used generic similar to .tv (Tuvalu Islands) and .io (Indian Ocean) at is not geographically limited at stands for the AT mark - which symbolizes the internet like nothing else at domains can be easily registered by anyone - no local business needed 3.) What other benefits does the complete domain x.at offer? x.at is among the shortest domain names possible x.at is very unique and easy to remember x.at as a URL shortener is even shorter than goo.gl or fb.me x.at can ideally be used in QR code campaigns ... and the list goes on and on and on...! Make X.AT yours today - place your bid NOW!

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Le vendeur

  • Germany
  • Assujetti à la TVA
  • Actif depuis 2011

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Ce nom de domaine (sans site Internet) est proposé à la vente par le propriétaire sur la place de marché de Sedo. Son offre est valable pendant 7 jours. Tous les prix indiqués sont des prix finaux.


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