is for sale

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Domain Facts

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The seller

  • Belize
  • Required to pay VAT
  • Active since 2016

Make an offer on this domain

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Important Notice:
The majority of .RU domains on offer will be transferred through an internal owner change at the registrar This kind of transfer will enable you to access and manage the domain within a short time. However, please note that this internal transfer will lock the domain at for 30 days, and that a transfer to another registrar will only be possible after the 30-day lock has expired.

Any offer you submit is binding for seven (7) days.

Your best offer

The current price of is .

You can place an offer below the seller's listing price, however the seller will only respond if they are interested in negotiating based on this offer.

Unfortunately your entry contained errors.
Any offer you submit is binding for seven (7) days.

Minimum offer

Seller's asking price

  • Buyer protection
  • Transfer Service

The domain name (without content) is available for sale by its owner through Sedo's Domain Marketplace. Any offer you submit is binding for 7 days. All quoted prices are final prices.


How to Buy this Domain in 3 Easy Steps:

Agree on Price

Upon agreement, you and the seller receive a free purchase contract from us, specifically tailored to domain transactions.

Pay to Neutral Account

Pay by wire transfer, PayPal or credit card into a neutral account provided by Sedo. Added security: Only after the domain ownership has officially changed hands the seller will be paid out.

Enjoy our Transfer Service

Our transfer specialists work with you and the seller to quickly and safely transfer the domain to your registrar account. Once you've taken full control of the domain, the transfer is complete.