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Is your website provides sexy, erotic, or pornographic adult content? Then, Premium Adult Domains for Adult Websites will let you stand out. Visit the website for more information by typing “ ” in your browser, or search " " in Google. Why You Should Buy These Adult Related Domains The adult entertainment industry is bigger than all of the major professional sports franchises – COMBINED. According to Medium, “The [adult] industry makes more money than Major League Baseball, The NFL and The NBA combined.” The adult entertainment industry is worth more than $97 billion. By comparison, Hollywood has a net worth of $10 billion with all of the forms of entertainment it generates. The adult industry is the biggest “elephant in the room” in terms of the internet. It’s also one of the most lucrative industries and provides tons of jobs. Odds are, multiple people you’re close to having a very special, intimate bond with this type of media. At this moment, nearly 30,000 people are watching adult entertainment online. In the time you’ve taken to read this information, more than 20,000 more people have joined in that activity. Studies show that many teenagers have satisfied their curiosity by watching a video or two online, while they generally do so as a means of self-education. Millennials – ages 25-34 – watch more than any other age group, as of 2018. Adult films cater to both genders and both men and women enjoy it recreationally, of which, one-third of women reportedly watch adult films at least once a week. Close to 400 people actively search for adult websites every second, and more than $3,000 is spent on adult entertainment online every second, as well. In 2017, the most popular adult video website on the internet boasted more than 28 billion unique visitors. Since then, it has enjoyed an uptick of 81 million visitors daily, which speaks to the popularity of this online medium. Visit website for more information by typing “ ” in your browser.

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  • Philippines
  • Assujetti à la TVA
  • Actif depuis 2016

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