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公司没客户没人气?只因网址域名太长不好记! 得短域名者得天下客户! Always buy before your global competitors with the same name. 一定要赶在与您同名、同音的全球竞争对手出手前买下该域名。 You can use a domain agency like or a Chinese agency like to buy this domain or discuss with me directly. 可抢在同名、同音竞争公司前,直接在此拍下,报价,交易,非常安全,或在国内域名交易平台西部数码以人民币交易。 任何问题,可随时咨询域名持有人 微信/QQ: 21601680 WhatsApp:+8613816767958 Waiting just for another day makes you lose big global sales everyday, losing customers, losing time is losing money, and lost the best time to enter markets, and also lose your global market shares. 每耽误一天,只会让您每天损失客户、每天损失销售额、时间就是金钱、失去占领市场最佳时机,失去市场份额。 A much Easier-To-Remember website name to forward 7 billion people from 200 countries to your main website, is a much better investment of your intangible assets, a network of an eternal 24X7X365 online shops to multiply your global clients and sales yearly. 投资您的域名网络、永久无形资产、建立24X7X365天永不停业的全球网络销售连锁店,时刻获得亿万全球客户和总营业额逐年翻倍。 Invest in this great domain before your global competitors,because 在您的竞争对手收购前获得该极品域名,因为 The easier to remember a website domain name for the people from 200 countries using over 5000 different foreign languages, the more clients it can get globally. 世界200多国家使用5000多种不同语言和文字,人们越容易记住一个公司的网址域名,该公司获得的访问量、客户、影响力、销量和订单就越多。 So leading companies own and use multiple websites or different domain names to automatically forward global customers to its main website to grow their global influence, followers and business worldwide. 所以世界知名企业的域名都简短好记,能让全世界200多个国家使用5000多种不同语言文字的人都记得。 Therefore, leading companies own and use multiple websites or domain names to automatically divert and forward global customers to its main website, bringing more and more customers from over 200 countries using over 5000 different foreign languages. How much do you have to invest to have your own shop or office in the best location where all citizens can remember and find you in every city in every country? 如果您要在每个国家的每个城市的黄金地段投资购买一个自己的实体商铺或实体办公室,让每个市民都能找到,您得花多少钱? How much do you have to spend to hire a big sales team to sell your products or services, for 1 year, for 50 years, or forever? 如果您想要雇佣销售团队销售您的产品和服务,一年得花多少钱薪水,50年呢, 1万年呢,永久店铺呢? How much are you willing to invest to have immediately your own online shop selling your products and services making money for you 24X7X365 in one or all countries, for 50 years, or even 10000 years, or forever? 如果您可以马上拥有一个自己的网店,在一个国家或世界各国,每周7天每天24小时一年365天,时时刻刻,永世万年销售您的产品和服务,您愿意投资多少钱? In a world everything is found through Internet, how can the 7.7 billion people worldwide find, know and even remember your company? 互联网时代,全世界的77亿人如何才能知道、了解、记住您的公司? How many of the 7.7 billion people in the world know or even remember your company website’s domain names? 全球77亿人中有多少人知道、并且能记得住您公司的网址域名? How much advertisement costs do you have to spend to make 7.7 billion people worldwide know and even remember your company website’s domain name? How many sales people you have to hire? How much time does it take? 如果要让全世界77亿人都知道并且能够记得住您公司的网址域名,您得花多少广告费? 雇多少人?用多长时间? A website’s domain name is like a shop on Internet. 一个公司的网址域名就是互联网上的商铺。 A good domain name, easy to remember, is like a shop in the best location, easy to find. 选一个好记的网址域名,就是给商铺选个好地段。 The easier to remember a website’s domain name, the more customers it brings worldwide. 网址越好记,带来的全球客户越多。 Therefore, the website’s domain name will decide the volume of customers worldwide and a company’s future fate. 因此,网址域名决定了全球客户量和一个公司的未来命运。 What are the benefits of buying, or investing in this great unique domain name? 投资购买使用该域名有哪些好处? 1.每年节约大量广告费,全球市场推广费。 1.It can save huge marketing and advertisement costs, globally. 2.访客量翻倍 2.It can increase your company’s internet visiting traffic. 3.销售翻倍 3. It can increase your sales by multiple times. 4.未来新项目储备 4. It can be reserved for your future new projects. 5. 新成立分公司,子公司, 5. It can be used for your future new company branches or subsidiaries in other countries. 6.阻止竞争对手进入市场,分食市场,夺走市场份额。 6. It can prevent your competitors from entering a market, eating your market shares. 7.保持市场和行业领导地位。 7. It can help to maintain your market leading position. 8.增加品牌价值 8. It can grow your brand value. 9.无形资产,比房地产、股票投资更保险。资产保值、增值 9. It is your permanent intangible asset to secure your capital, much safer than investing in real estate, or stock market. 10 投资赚钱工具。域名的价值随着时间推移会逐渐增值。未来再售出时价格翻倍,不但收回成本,而且投资回报极高。 10.It can make money for you. A domain name’s value grow with time. When you resell it in future at a much higher price , not only get backing your investment, but also with big profits. 11.一个好域名就是互联网上的一个好商铺,光是网站赚取的广告费每年就可以盈利几百万。 11.A good domain is like a shop on Internet. One domain can multiply your customers and profits, plus huge profits from advertisers every year. 12.该域名会突显您在行业中的地位,甚至超过竞争对手。 12.This domain will show, lift up your company to an outstanding position among your competitors, even surpass them. 13.该域名具有的独特卖点和销售特性会为您每天带来更多新客户,每月数百个,每年数千甚至数万个新客户。 13.This domain name with unique selling power will make your company’s website outstanding from other competitors, bringing many more new customers everyday, at least hundreds of new clients every month, thousands and even tens of thousands clients more every year. 14.这个域名可以为您每年带来更多销量和营业额,而成本只是将来将产生的营业额的一小部分。 14.This domain can bring you more sales and revenue, but the cost is only a very little part of the profits and sales revenue it will bring to you in future every year. What are the consequences of not buying this great unique domain name right now? 现在不购买该域名未来会有哪些损失? 1.时间越久,域名的价值越高,购买的价格越高。 2.The value of a domain name grow with time, so the purchase price will grow with time. 2.域名被竞争对手买走或使用,失去行业市场份额和领导地位。 2.Your competitors will buy and use it, eating your market share. 3.自己无法使用自己的品牌名字进入相关行业。 3.You can not enter the market sector with your preferred brand name or company name. 4.公司访客量和销售量双双利润下降,公司衰退,甚至倒闭。 4.Internet visiting traffic is diverted and forwarded to other companies’, so your sales volume drops with time until bankruptcy in future. 5.If your competitor will use this domain in future, all global customers will be forwarded to his company. 5.如果您的竞争对手未来使用这个域名,全球客户都会流向那里。 6.If one day after you wake up, you find your competitor has bought this domain ahead of you, you will have lost a great easy chance to have endless sales from billions of customers worldwide forever. 6.如果某天发现您的竞争对手已经收购了该网址域名,您就永远失去了这个独一无二的域名带来的全球几十亿客户订单! What’s the value of this great domain name? 1.With the cost of hiring a good sales person for only 1 year, you can buy and own this domain name that will work for you forever, in marketing, branding value, promoting, selling and attracting 6 billion customers every second worldwide from over 200 countries. 1.聘用1个优秀的营销员1年的工资,就可以买下这个域名,永久免费每分每秒为你向全世界200多个国家的60亿客户宣传您的品牌、价值、销售产品和服务,带来全球源源不断的客户和收入。 2.The cost in investing in a domain name is about the cost of employing a good sales person only for 1 year, but 1 employee can only work 8 hours per day, 5 days a week, less than 200 days a year. If you want to hire him/her forever, you have to pay him/her the same or even a much higher salary year after year. 2.投资购买这个域名的成本相当于付给1个推销员为你工作1年的薪水,可是一个员工每天只工作8小时,一周只工作5天,一年只工作了不到200天。如果想长期聘用这个员工,每年都要支付这么多甚至是逐年上升的成本。 3.But the moment when you’ve bought this domain, you will own a free sales person for ever, without any more cost in salary, social insurances and benefits, and it will work for you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, more accurately, every second, marketing, branding, promoting and selling your products and services bringing in billions of customers worldwide. 3.但是当您投资收购了域名的那一刻,却得到一个永久免费的推销员员工,不用发薪水,不用交社保,一天工作24小时,一年工作365天,分分秒秒都在向全世界200个国家永无止息地宣传您的品牌价值、产品、服务,为您带来的是全世界的源源不断的客户和亿万市场收入。 4.After some years, you can even resell the domain name with a double or triple price, not only getting back your money, but also earning a big profit from your invest. 4.多年后,您还可以将域名出售,不但可以收回当初的投资成本,售价翻几倍还可以获得增值的投资回报。 Therefore, there is no cost in buying a domain, but an investment with high returns. 5.The earlier you buy the shop, the more benefits you get. 5.所以投资域名其实没有任何成本, 而是明智的未来高回报投资,越早入手,回报越高。 What\\\'s the best time to invest in a domain name, like a house, as early as possible like now, or a few years later with a much higher value price? 如果要收购使用一个网址域名,就像商铺,是现在收购好,还是过几年涨价升值后再收购比较好? Of course, the earlier, the better. 摇钱树当然是越早使用越好。 Buy this domain as your eternal intangible asset investment like a 24X7X365 eternal shop, marketing, branding, and selling your products or services worldwide, bring endless sales for you for centuries. 投资这个域名作为您的永久无形资产,便立刻拥有一个24X7X365永不停歇的永久在线商铺,为您的品牌、产品、公司, 世世代代永不止息地免费向全世界的客户不断宣传、营销、广告您的产品和服务,永世为您带来全球无数的客户和订单。 offers a free and safe transfer to your ownership. Sedo.com平台会确保为您完成免费安全转移。 Waiting only makes you lose global sales, customers, time, money, and the best time to enter and secure your global markets. 等待只会让您损失更多全球客户、销售额、金钱、时间、占领市场时机、以及全球市场份额。 Welcome to text me anytime for any question, or make a trail offer. Each and every offer will be replied in 24 hours. There is no loss to you. 欢迎随时发消息给我咨询, 或者尝试开始报价吧。任何报价都会在24小时内回复。您没有任何损失. 微信/QQ: 21601680 WhatsApp:+8613816767958

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  • China
  • Required to pay VAT
  • Active since 2014

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