
Auction ended


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Please note that in order to place bids above 10,000.00 EUR, an additional certification is required and completion of this process may take several business days.

Domain Facts

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⭐Created on 1996 ⭐Taken in 161 TLDs ! (according to expireddomains) ⭐$4.08 Cost Per Click (according to Semrush) ⭐With the .net extension, the domain name suggests an online platform or network dedicated to distribution-related activities. This could be a website for a distribution company, a marketplace for sellers and buyers to connect, a platform for sharing resources, or any other business or organization involved in distribution services. Potential buyers for the domain name distribution.net could include: 1. Logistics companies 2. E-commerce platforms 3. Supply chain management businesses 4. Software developers specializing in distribution systems 5. Manufacturers looking to expand their distribution.network 6. Retailers wanting to optimize their distribution channels 7. Warehouse and storage companies 8. Distribution consultants or experts 9. Affiliate marketing businesses focused on distribution partnerships 10. Startup companies looking for a strong and relevant domain name for their distribution-related venture. ⭐Check my Dan landing page for this domain & 66 more: Leakage.com, Teenagers.ai, gaed.com, iede.com etc (also listed on Sedo, Dan, Godaddy, Afternic) ⭐**LEASE TO OWN** option on Dan and Afternic. ! Contact me on NamePros: Domain Pro Seller !

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The seller

  • Greece
  • Required to pay VAT
  • Active since 2023


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Auction ended

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Any offer you submit is binding for seven (7) days.

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The current price of distribution.net is .

You can place an offer below the seller's listing price, however the seller will only respond if they are interested in negotiating based on this offer.

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Any offer you submit is binding for seven (7) days.
Current Bid: Reserve met! Bidding History (34 bids)

Auction Closes:

Additional Certification may be required:

Please note that in order to place bids above 10,000.00 EUR, an additional certification is required and completion of this process may take several business days.

  • Buyer protection
  • Transfer Service

The domain name (without content) is available for sale by its owner through Sedo's Domain Marketplace. Any offer you submit is binding for 7 days. All quoted prices are final prices.


How to Buy this Domain in 3 Easy Steps:

Agree on Price

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Pay to Neutral Account

Pay by wire transfer, PayPal or credit card into a neutral account provided by Sedo. Added security: Only after the domain ownership has officially changed hands the seller will be paid out.

Enjoy our Transfer Service

Our transfer specialists work with you and the seller to quickly and safely transfer the domain to your registrar account. Once you've taken full control of the domain, the transfer is complete.