Rights Protection Program (RPP)
Sedo developed the Rights Protection Program (RPP) to give intellectual property rights holders a streamlined process for submitting complaints regarding domains being listed for sale or being parked with Sedo.
- Detailed rules for domain sellers and parkers prohibiting to deter use of potentially infringing domains
- Suspension of domains to prevent their sale while being investigated
- Thorough and prompt review of domains reported to Sedo by intellectual property rights owners by Sedo staff trained in intellectual property
- Cancellation of accounts for repeat offenders
Despite Sedo’s best efforts, it is impossible for Sedo to monitor and verify the millions of domains that are bought, sold and parked with Sedo every year. Intellectual property and trademark law, specifically, often hinge on fact-specific details which are impossible for Sedo to review. For these reasons, it is the intellectual property owner’s responsibility to monitor their rights and to file a complaint if they believe these rights have been violated by a Sedo user.
Reporting Listings When You Are Not the Rights Owner: Third Party Complaint Policy
Occasionally, Sedo receives legal requests from outside parties for information about Sedo users. To reach a balance in protecting the rights of Sedo users with the legal rights of others, Sedo will only accept RPP complaints from a trademark owner or such owner’s legal representative.
Reporting a Domain to Sedo
- Step One:
If you have a good faith belief that a domain listed for sale or being parked with Sedo infringes your copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights, follow the complaint procedures located on our RPP IP Rights Complaint page and mail your signed complaint to the address provided. - Step Two:
After we receive your complaint, both you and the domain owner are sent an email confirmation which will outline the domain in question and the party submitting the complaint. Domain owners are given three days to respond, and within ten days of when the complaint was received, the domain will be reviewed by a Sedo staff member trained in intellectual property matters and a decision will be made whether to remove the domain in question at which time both the complainant and the domain owner will be notified via email. - Step Three:
If a decision has been made to remove the listing from the domain database, for the domain to be re-listed they will be required to provide written proof of their ownership of the domain free of any legal dispute. If a decision has been made not to remove the domain, the complaining party will not be allowed to resubmit their complaint unless they can allege new facts unknown during their initial complaint.
If you have any questions regarding the RPP, please email us for more information
at [email protected]
Related Help topics
Rights Protection Program: IP Complaints
Why did SEDO remove my listing?
Rules for Domain Sellers
Rules for Domain Buyers