
What is a Category Showcase or a Homepage Showcase?

A Homepage Showcase is a domain promotion that places a domain in a more visible location within Sedo's Online Marketplace. Sedo offers two types of Featured Listings: Category Showcases and Homepage Featured Listings.

Category Showcases
A Category Showcase is useful for targeted domains, or those that fit well into a niche of the domain aftermarket with a narrower buyer base.  Sedo offers a variety of categories and sub-categories within the domain catalog.  With a Category Showcase, a domain is featured in a separate list at the beginning of the selected category.  It will be viewable on this list for 30 days, can help to attract buyers looking for specific domains, and makes it much easier for the domain to be found by visitors browsing certain sections of the marketplace.

The cost for a Category Showcase is only 9 USD per domain (2 additional categories may be chosen for 5 USD each).  For more information or to order, visit Sedo's "Promote Domains" overview.

Hint!  When ordering a Category Showcase, make sure you choose the deepest category level possible to maximize exposure.  Let's say you feature a domain in the 3rd-level category Arts > Animation > Anime; it will also appear as featured in the 1st-level category Arts and the 2nd-level category Arts > Animation.  That's three different locations for 9 USD!


Homepage Showcase


For domains that are less-specific or cater to a broader buyer base, a Homepage Showcase may be a better fit.  Thousands of members who visit Sedo’s online marketplace will see the domain and may be inclined to place offers.  Domains on the "Featured Domains" List rotate every ten seconds.  If your domain is not currently on the homepage, it will still be visible on the complete list, reachable by clicking the "more" link below the list on the homepage.  Even while on the complete list, the listing is no less effective, as many people will browse that list before browsing through other sections of Sedo's online marketplace or categories.

A Homepage Featured Listing lets buyers see your domain...

...on Sedo's "Getting Started" homepage and three additional targeted homepages used for marketing communications.*
...on the complete Featured Domains list.*
...on the Featured Listings RSS feed.

* For the homepage language(s) you choose when ordering.

A Homepage Showcase runs for 30 days from activation and is only 39 USD (more than one language homepage may be chosen for an additional 10 USD each).  For more information or to order, visit Sedo's "Promote Domains" overview.

While Sedo cannot guarantee that either promotion will increase the number of visitors to an offer page, or that you will receive offers or sell a domain, it has been proven that a Featured Listing can increase the likelihood of selling by 400%.

You can find these promotion options on Sedo's site via Sell Domains > Promote Domains.

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